[hpc-announce] Call for Participation - International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP 2023)

Klinkenberg, Jannis j.klinkenberg at itc.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Aug 23 09:47:49 CDT 2023

19th International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP 2023) (co-loacted with EuroMPI)

        Hosted by Bristol University
        Sept 11-13      EuroMPI (see https://eurompi23.github.io/)
        Sept 12         IWOMP Tutorial: Hands-On Using OpenMP Offload (full
        Sept 13         IWOMP Tutorial: Advanced OpenMP (09:00am - 12:30pm)
        Sept 13-15      IWOMP Technical Program: Starting from 13:30pm on
Sept 13, Keynote + invited and vendor talks + 15 technical talks

        Check out the program at https://www.iwomp.org/.

        Note: Early Bird registration ends August 27.


Registration options include single-event passes for IWOMP and OpenMP
as well as all-week passes that also include EuroMPI. 
All passes are available for either on-site, in-person attendance, or
online-only attendance. 
An early-bird discount of 10% of the regular registration fee will be
granted for registrations before August 27.


This year's program includes topics covering Exploration of Recent OpenMP
Tasking Extensions, Heterogenous
Computing with GPUs and OpenMP Offload Experiences (amongst other topics).

There will be 15 peer-reviewed paper presentations, and 2 invited talks.

General Co-Chairs: 
    Simon McIntosh-Smith, Bristol University
    Michael Klemm, AMD & OpenMP ARB, Germany
Program Co-Chairs:
    Bronis R. de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
    Tom Deakin, University of Bristol
Publications Chair: Jannis Klinkenberg, RWTH Aachen University
Registration Chair: Tim Lewis

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