[hpc-announce] [Deadline Extended] RSDHA'23 3rd Workshop on Redefining Scalability for Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures (Collocated with SC'23)

Mehmet Belviranli belviranli at mines.edu
Thu Aug 10 22:45:13 CDT 2023

Submission deadline is extended until  August 18, 2023 (Firm)

RSDHA 2023: 3rd Workshop on Redefining Scalability for Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures
	November 12, 2023 -- Held in conjunction with SC'23 Denver, CO, USA

RSDHA is a forum for researchers and engineers in both HPC domain and embedded/mobile computing domain to gather together and discuss (1) the latest ideas and lessons learned from the previous experience on traditional and heterogeneity-based scaling in their own domains and (2) possible synergistic approach and interaction between the two domains to find a good balance between programmability and performance portability across diverse ranges of heterogeneous systems from mobile to HPC. 

The RSDHA workshop aims to serve as a forum for investigating the un-explored region of the two-dimensional space of traditional node-based and heterogeneity-based scaling of the current and upcoming HPC and mobile/embedded systems.  The scope of this workshop can be categorized in two primary areas: 1) Enabling HPC applications to utilize a more diverse range of processors, and 2) Applications of the traditional HPC techniques to the mobile and autonomous systems to beat the multi-node scalability challenges as the mobile/embedded systems become increasingly more connected. 

--Research Areas of Interest-- 

The research areas of interest include but are not limited to: - Performance-portable parallel programming paradigms for emerging accelerator types 
- Runtimes for arbitrary degrees of heterogeneous diversity 
- Analytical modeling for general-purpose and domain-specific programmable accelerators 
- Application of heterogeneous programming/scheduling techniques used in embedded and mobile computing to HPC systems and vice versa 
- Communication and memory access challenges for clustered execution of highly diverse platforms 
- Analytical resource consumption modeling and decision making mechanisms for edge-cloud and HPC systems 
- Compositional resource management and workload balancing across the collaborative clusters 
- Fault tolerant and resilient execution for mobile/autonomous systems and HPC systems 
- Case studies using the node and heterogeneity based scaling techniques


 Authors are invited to submit original papers in two separate tracks:
- Full Paper: submit regular research papers of at least 6 pages in length and at most 12 pages, which include tables, figures, and references. 
- Short Paper: submit initial results and position/work-in-progress papers of at most 4 pages, which include tables, figures, and references.
- All submissions should be formatted according to the ACM templates and CCS2012 guide that are available at: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
- Accepted papers will be published in the SC23 Workshop Proceedings.
- Please submit papers through the Supercomputing Linklings site: https://submissions.supercomputing.org 

--Important Dates--

- Initial dissemination of call for papers: June 13, 2023
- Paper submissions deadline: August 18, 2023 (Firm)
- Notification of acceptance: September 8, 2023
- Camera-ready papers: September 28, 2023
- Workshop: November 12, 2023 

--Workshop Organizers-- 

- Mehmet E. Belviranli, Colorado School of Mines, USA 
	E-mail: belviranli at mines.edu 
- Seyong Lee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA  
	E-mail: lees2 at ornl.gov
- Ali Akoglu, University of Arizona, USA
	E-mail: akoglu at arizona.edu

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