[hpc-announce] [DEADLINE EXTENDED] HPC Bugs Fest @ SC23 - Call for papers

Emmanuelle Saillard emmanuelle.saillard at inria.fr
Thu Aug 3 12:50:27 CDT 2023


HPC Bugs Fest , co-located with the 7th International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications 

[ https://sites.google.com/view/hpc-bugs-fest/home | https://sites.google.com/view/hpc-bugs-fest/home ] 

November 12, 2023, Denver, Colorado, USA 

The HPC Bugs Fest is the first annual event that gives a detailed snapshot of the state-of-the-art HPC verification tools. The HPC Bugs Fest serves three goals: 

* being a forum in which tool developers and users can share experience; 

* increasing the benchmarks with buggy codes suggestions from participants; and 

* comparing and evaluating the existing tools 

This first HPC Bugs Fest will focus on MPI, OpenMP and MPI+OpenMP programming models and the following benchmarks: MBI, DataRaceBench, and MPI-CorrBench. 

The contributions include: 

* New codes that could be integrated in one of the benchmarks 

The new codes should be notable, either because they experience a use case that is not tested yet, or because they are representative of larger applications (ProxyApps for correctness). They can be correct or intentially incorrect. We expect a case study on a selection of at least 2 existing tools. 

* New metrics (scoring system) to evaluate existing tools 

The metric should be tested on the existing benchmaks (DataRaceBench or MBI or MPI-CorrBench) either through a script that leverages the existing benchmarks’ harness or through an external evaluation. 

* New results on a verification tool 

The submitter should be the author of the provided tool or have explicit permit to participate to the event. A new version of a previously submitted tool may be re-submitted. The paper must then summarize the changes between the two versions. The authors must offer a way to validate the results by the reviewing committee. The tool should be freely available (either opensource or through a ready-to use docker image or similar). 

* Use case 

The paper should explain how an error was chased down in practice, which approach was used, which tool was used if any and the lesson learned. 

Paper submissions due: **August 12, 2023** EXTENDED DEALINE
Notification of acceptance: September 8, 2023 
Camera-ready papers due: September 22, 2023 

We expect that the proceedings will be archived in IEEE Xplore via the IEEE Computer Society. 

All contributions must consist of a short paper (2 to 4 pages) giving a technical description of the contribution and a reproducible artifact. The artifact will be evaluated and considered in the paper's acceptance decision. Submitted papers and artifact will be peer-reviewed by the Reviewing Committee and accepted papers will be published by IEEE Xplore. 

Submissions will be handled via easychair at: [ [ https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hpcbugsfest23 | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hpcbugsfest23 ] | [ https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hpcbugsfest23 | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hpcbugsfest23 ] ] 

Alexander Hück, TU Darmstadt, Germany 
Julien Jaeger, CEA, France 
Ali Jannesari, Iowa State University, USA 
Joachim Jenke, RWTH, 
Ignacio Laguna, LLNL, USA 
Jan-Patrick Lehr, AMD, USA 
Chunhua "Leo" Liao, LLNL, USA 
Mihail Popov, Inria, France 
Martin Quinson, ENS Rennes, France 
Cindy Rubio Gonzalez, UC Davis, USA 
Emmanuelle Saillard, Inria, France 
Markus Schordan, Google, USA 
Simon Schwitanski, RWTH, Germany 


Please address questions to hpc-bugs-fest at inria.fr

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