[hpc-announce] CADO deadline extension - March 30

Benoit Meister meister at reservoir.com
Mon Mar 12 09:11:58 CDT 2018

In order to accommodate authors, the submission deadline for the *HPCS 2018
Session on Compiler Architecture, Design and Optimization*, to take place
in *Orleans, France*, was extended as follows:

Paper Submissions: ------------------------------------------- *March 30,
Acceptance Notification: -------------------------------------- *April 20,
Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due by: ------ *May 11, 2018*
Conference Dates: --------------------------------------------- *July 16 –
20, 2018*

The Special Session on Compiler Architecture, Design and Optimization
provides a premier venue to bring together systems researchers working on
compiler architecture, design and code optimization of high performance
computing systems, particularly for many-core and accelerators.

The CADO Session aims at examining different solutions to compiler
architecture, design, construction and optimization problems and includes,
but is not limited to:
- Compiler abstraction and intermediate representations
- Integration of language features, representations, optimizations, and
runtime support for parallelism
- Auto-parallelization
- Binary translation
- Compiler-support for parallelism mapping, thread extraction, task
scheduling, -
- speculation, transaction, memory management, data distribution and
- Compiler support for multi-core architectures, GPUs, CGRAs, FPGAs, and
- Interpretation techniques, including program representation, analysis,
and transformation;
- Code generation, optimization, synthesis and verification
- Run-time techniques and just-in-time compilation
- Platforms, tools, debuggers, and profilers
- Domain specific techniques (e.g., mobile environments, embedded systems,
- Combinations of the above


Denis Barthou - U. Bordeaux, France
Henri-Pierre Charles - CEA List, France
Christine Eisenbeis - INRIA Paris, France
Ali Jannesari - U. Darmstadt, Germany
Chris January - Arm, United Kingdom
Arturo Gonzales-Escribano - U. Vallaloid, Spain
Alain Ketterlin - U. Strasbourg, France
Christian Lengauer - U. Passau, Germany
Xavier Leroy - INRIA, France
David Monniaux - CNRS, France
Benoit Pradelle - Silexica, Germany
Tahina Ramananandro - Microsoft, USA
John Regehr - U. of Utah, USA
Erven Rohou - INRIA, France
Tiark Rompf - Purdue University, USA
TB Sharld - MIT, USA
Jonathan Springer - Reservoir Labs, USA


Philippe Clauss - INRIA Camus, ICube Lab, CNRS, Strasbourg, France.
Benoit Meister - Reservoir Labs, New York, USA

Apologies if you receive multiple copies.

- Benoit Meister for the Organizing Committee
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