[hpc-announce] Call for Papers: Workshop on Unconventional Cluster Architectures and Applications (UCAA)

Holger Fröning froening at uni-hd.de
Wed Apr 18 06:08:31 CDT 2012

Reminder: Deadline is in less than two weeks!

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

                     1st International Workshop on
         Unconventional Cluster Architectures and Applications

               September 10th 2012 - Pittsburgh, PA, USA
                   In conjunction with the ICPP 2012

This workshop gears to gather recent work on unconventional cluster
architectures and applications, which might have a big impact on future
cluster architectures. This includes any cluster architecture that is
not based on the usual commodity components and therefore makes use of
some special hard- or software elements, or that is used for very
special and unconventional applications. Examples include GPUs, MICs
(Many Integrated Core) and FPGAs on the hardware side, and
virtualization, in-memory storage and device-to-device communication on
the software side. We are in particular encouraging work on disruptive
approaches, which may show inferior performance today but can already
point out their full performance potential. The broad scope of the
workshop facilitates submissions on unconventional uses of hardware or
software, gearing to gather ideas that are coming to life now and not
limiting them except for their context: clusters.

We are seeking new proposals presented from a holistic perspective. In
this regard, one of the aims of the workshop is anticipating the
evolution of clusters. Instead of just presenting new work carried out
in the traditional cluster areas usually addressed in other conferences
and workshops, we are thinking on creating the right atmosphere for a
discussion of opportunities in cluster computing. In this regard,
contributions would not only be accepted according to their technical
merits but also according to their contribution to this discussion.

Topics of interest include any unconventional cluster architecture or
application. Examples include, but are not limited to:
   - High-performance, data-intensive, and power-aware computing
   - Application-specific clusters, datacenters, and high performance
     cloud architectures
   - New industry and technology trends and their potential impact on one
     of the above
   - Dedicated support for novel parallel programming paradigms like PGAS
   - Software cluster-level virtualization for consolidation purposes
   - Hardware techniques for disaggregation of resources
   - Management techniques for large-scale systems
   - New uses of GPUs, FPGAs, and other specialized hardware

Paper submission: 1st May 2012
Notification of acceptance: 7th June 2012
Camera-ready paper: 27th June 2012

Submissions may not exceed 8 pages (single spaced, 11pt font,
8½×11-inch pages) in PDF format including figures and references. We
recommend a minimum of 6 pages. Submitted papers must be original work
that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another
conference or journal. Work in progress is welcome, but first results
should be made available as a proof of concept. Submissions only
consisting of a proposal will be rejected. Visit
http://www.gap.upv.es/ucaa for additional details about paper

The authors of the best three papers from the workshop will be directly
invited to submit an extended version for a special issue on the
Springer Cluster Computing Journal.
 From the rest of the papers presented in the workshop, selected ones
will be invited to submit an extended version. These papers will
undergo a shepherding process in order to provide the authors with
guidance for improving their work. Shepherds will be selected from the
program committee members, which will also ensure the quality of the
new versions. Notice that this special issue will be open to other
works not previously submitted to the workshop, although these new
papers will compete with the shepherded ones, which will have higher
priority for similar quality papers.

Federico Silla, U. Politécnica Valencia
Holger Fröning, U. Heidelberg

José Duato, U. Politécnica Valencia
Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Georgia Tech
Ulrich Brüning, U. Heidelberg

Elvira Baydal, U. Politécnica Valencia
David Black-Schaffer, U. Uppsala
Rainer Buchty, Karlsruhe Inst. Technology
Stephan Diestelhorst, AMD
Hans Eberle, Oracle
Pedro Garcia, U. Castilla-La Mancha
Ada Gavrilovska, Georgia Tech
Torsten Hoefler, U. Illinois
Mark Hummel, AMD
Gabriele Jost, TACC & AMD
Ben Juurlink, Technische U. Berlin
Rafael Mayo, U. Jaume I
Gaspar Mora, Intel
Mondrian Nuessle, U. Heidelberg
Juan Manuel Orduña, U. Valencia
Frank Olaf Sem-jacobsen, Simula
Christian Terboven, RWTH Aachen
Jesper Larsson Traeff, U. Tech. Vienna
Jeff Young, Georgia Tech
Sam Williams, Lawrence Berkeley Lab.

For more information visit: http://www.gap.upv.es/ucaa

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