[Swift-user] Question about nr of nodes

Jonathan Monette jonmon at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 19 11:04:20 CDT 2012

On Apr 18, 2012, at 8:14 PM, Lorenzo Pesce wrote:

> Going over the emails produced during the famous Beagle crash =)
> (While watching "Word World" with my son, so don't worry if it doesn't make too much sense. By now we got to "Puss in Boots".)
>> It all depends on ho you want to shape your jobs.
>> slots: The maximum number of coaster blocks to submit(pbs jobs).
> Would there be a reason to keep the number of coasters to 1? I would be tempted to put it equal to maxnodes.
> The issue would then be how to keep the overall number of nodes used to, say, numnodes?
> Of course I could set a combination of the two, like
> <profile namespace "globus" key="slots">$nnodes</profile>
> <profile namespace "globus" key="maxNodes">1</profile>
> <profile namespace "globus" key="nodeGranularity">1</profile>
> Like Glen did.
So the above approach will submit $nnodes workers all with 1 node to work with.  You could say could say the same thing with:

<profile namespace="globus" key="slots">1</profile>
<profile namespace="globus" key="maxNodes">$nnodes</profile>
<profile namespace="globus" key="nodeGranularity">$nnodes</profile>

Swift allows several ways to say the same thing when shaping jobs.  However, let's say you need $nnodes for 20 hours.  The way Glen did there would be $nnodes jobs submitted all waiting to run for 20 hours.  The scheduler may not give you all $nnodes nodes at the same time for 20 hours, you are more than likely to get maybe 1-2 nodes at a time and the other wait for a long time.  While the other way to keep slots at 1 and adjust the other parameters will have 1 $nnodes job submitted.  When that job is chosen to run you will have the full $nnodes at your disposal.  How to shape your jobs for Swift takes a bit of tuning and depends on the application and the system itself.
>> nodeGranularity: How much to increment node count by(nodeGranularity <= maxNodes)
> Within a coaster? or either by adding a coaster block or by adding a node to a coaster block?

So if maxNodes is 6 and nodeGranularity is 2: one job could have 2 nodes wide,  the next job could have 4 nodes wide, the next job could be 6 nodes wide, the next one could be 2 nodes wide,....

Coasters will submit jobs with node counts in multiples of nodeGranularity all the way up to maxNodes.
>> Adjusting slots will provide more active coaster blocks.
>> In Glen's example he will requests "$nodes" number of single node jobs.  He could have said the same thing by setting:
>> <profile namespace "globus" key="slots">1</profile>
>> <profile namespace "globus" key="maxNodes">$nodes</profile>
>> <profile namespace "globus" key="nodeGranularity">$nodes</profile>
>> In his example, several single node coaster blocks would be submitted for execution.  With the above settings, a single multi-node coaster block would be submitted.  If the machine is overloaded and there is slow response time, then Glen's approach would probably be better as the scheduler may bias some single node jobs to run over multi-node jobs to keep the entire machine busy.  This way progress will be made(even if it is slow progress).
> HIs would be a good approach to make good use of the backfill, wouldn't it? the jobs can use any time and any number of coasters, so they can fit in the holes. Or am  I wrong here?

Yes, you would want to keep jobs small when using the backfill so they can run quickly.  So several small jobs should work nicely using backfill.
>> Another setting that should be set is:
>> <profile namespace="globus" key="lowOverallocation">100</profile>
>> <profile namespace="globus" key="highOverallocation">100</profile>
>> This will force the coaster blocks to be exactly the maxTime you asked for.  If those are not set coasters dynamically chooses a wall time which is often lower than the time you specified.
> But would this limit its ability to fit into the backfill? For this job, I can afford having many relatively short coasters (say longer than 20 minutes), but I also want to make sure that I am getting all the "total time I am asking for", but this I mean:
> totnrnodes*walltime. The idea being that to run all my jobs I need about 2400 core hours, which requires 100 node hours. I don't care too much how it is sliced in this problem. Does it make sense? the more I can fit into the backfill holes, the better.

This should not limit backfill as long as the job times are short.  Let's say you request maxTime to be 1 minute.  Without the overallocation settings coaster will often submit jobs that are maybe 30 seconds long.  With the overallocation settings coasters will always submit jobs that are 1 minute long.  It is just a way to force coasters to use the time you provided and not take that time as a suggestion.
>>>    <profile namespace="env" key="OMP_NUM_THREADS">$PPN</profile>
> Added to the presentation.
>>>    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxwalltime">$TIME</profile>
>>>    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxTime">$MAXTIME</profile>
> I am lost here. Difference? Maxwalltime is what I was talking about like 100 node hours? 
> What I would like to be able to set is a minimum time/size (say, no coaster block shorter than 1/2 hour and smaller than 3 nodes), a increment (I understand that to be granularity, so if blocks need to be at least of 3 nodes for an MPI job, this is what I would set it to, presumably the minimum time would propagate here) and a grand total of CPU time to run all of them

maxTime is how long the coaster job(the wall time specified to PBS) lasts.  maxwalltime is used by coasters to determine if an app can fit into a coaster block.  If you requested that a coaster block has a maxTime of 5 minutes and the maxwalltimes for the apps are 1.5 minutes, the coasters can only fit 3 apps calls in 1 coaster block.  After 3 app calls the coaster block would be shutdown and another job will be submitted to PBS.  I do not think there is a feature to set a "minimum" in coasters.
>>>    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">200.00</profile>
>>>    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
> I need to read more about these two. I will look for the documentation and send you feedback about it.
> I need also to read a lot more about mappers and all the rest...

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