[Swift-user] ACM MTAGS 2011: deadline extension to September 26th

Ioan Raicu iraicu at cs.iit.edu
Mon Sep 5 12:41:50 CDT 2011

4th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS) 2011


***DEADLINE EXTENSION -- September 26th, 2011*

The 4th workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers 
(MTAGS11) will provide the scientific community a dedicated forum for 
presenting new research, development, and deployment efforts of 
large-scale many-task computing (MTC) applications on large scale 
clusters, Grids, Supercomputers, and Cloud Computing infrastructure. 
MTC, the theme of the workshop encompasses loosely coupled applications, 
which are generally composed of many tasks (both independent and 
dependent tasks) to achieve some larger application goal. This workshop 
will cover challenges that can hamper efficiency and utilization in 
running applications on large-scale systems, such as local resource 
manager scalability and granularity, efficient utilization of raw 
hardware, parallel file system contention and scalability, data 
management, I/O management, reliability at scale, and application 

*General Chairs (mtags11-chairs at datasys.cs.iit.edu 
<mailto:mtags11-chairs at datasys.cs.iit.edu>)*

  * Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology & Argonne National
    Laboratory, USA
  * Ian Foster, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
  * Yong Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,

Ioan Raicu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
Guest Research Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, CS/IIT
Distributed Systems Laboratory, MCS/ANL
Cel:    1-847-722-0876
Office: 1-312-567-5704
Email:  iraicu at cs.iit.edu
Web:    http://www.cs.iit.edu/~iraicu/
Web:    http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/

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