[Swift-user] task parallel MPI

Justin M Wozniak wozniak at mcs.anl.gov
Thu May 5 17:35:55 CDT 2011

 	Can you post your sites and tc files?

On Thu, 5 May 2011, Agarwal, Khushbu wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to launch multiple MPI runs( parallel task) within a single job allocation, but I keep on getting
> error about task exiting
> srun: error: cu01n2: tasks 0-7: Exited with exit code 2
> srun: Terminating job step 1546136.4
> Here is my swift script. I am not sure what is going wrong, any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Khushbu
> ---------------------------------
> type file;
> file stompIn <"stomp.in">;
> file stompOut <"stomp.out">;
> file sphArr[] <fixed_array_mapper;files="sph.in.1, sph.in.2">;
> int n = 2;
> (file stOut) runStomp (file stIn) {
>    app {
>         stomp @stIn @stOut;
>    }
> }
> (file s[]) pg (file stOut, int num) {
>    app {
>         pg @stOut "sph.in" num;
>    }
> }
> (file output) runSph (file input, int num) {
>    app{
>        mpi @input @output num;
>    }
> }
> stompOut = runStomp(stompIn);
> sphArr = pg(stompOut, n);
> int list[] = [1,2];
> foreach i in list
> {
>    file sphOut <single_file_mapper;file=@strcat("sph.out.",i)>;
>    sphOut = runSph(sphArr[i-1], i-1);
> }

Justin M Wozniak

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