[Swift-user] Argument list to long

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Oct 4 16:22:45 CDT 2010

My guess is that you are calling one of your reduction jobs passing in a lot of files on the command line. Is that the case for the failing app?

If so, you may be able to use the writeData() built in function to create a file containing a list of files names for say the input array, and pass just that one file on the command line. You'll still need to make sure that all the data dependencies are specified correctly and that all the required input files are arguments to the swift app() function for the reduction application, so that they get made available.

This technique was proposed by Ben, but has not to my knowledge been heavily tested yet. So we may find more gotchas eg related to passing the IF or OF input and output file lists.

- Mike

----- "Jonathan Monette" <jon.monette at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>      What does this error mean?
> Failed to transfer wrapper log from 
> unrectified-20101004-1432-k89q8d3b/info/y on localhost
> Execution failed:
>      Exception in mImgtbl:
> Arguments: [proj_dir, images.tbl]
> Host: localhost
> Directory: unrectified-20101004-1432-k89q8d3b/jobs/y/mImgtbl-yuqc8ozj
> stderr.txt:
> stdout.txt:
> ----
> Caused by:
>      Cannot run program "/bin/bash" (in directory 
> "/gpfs/pads/swift/jonmon/Swift/work/localhost/unrectified-20101004-1432-k89q8d3b"):
> java.io.IOException: error=7, Argument list too long
> When it says that it cannot run /bin/bash, is it talking about 
> _swiftwrap?  Also, what does Argument list too long indicate?  It
> shows 
> that the arguments to the app mImgtbl are proj_dir and images.tbl. 
> That 
> is the correct number of arguments to mImgtbl.  proj_dir is a
> directory 
> that contains about 4100 files.  Is there wrapper script in swift to 
> mImgtbl that cannot accept this many files?
> -- 
> Jon
> Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are
> incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful
> beyond imagination.
> - Albert Einstein
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Michael Wilde
Computation Institute, University of Chicago
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

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