[Swift-user] Coasters - idle time exceeded

Matthew Woitaszek matthew.woitaszek at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 16:41:20 CST 2010

Good afternoon,

While running using Coasters, I occasionally get messages like this:

  Idle time exceeded at /home/username/.globus/coasters/cscript....pl line 627.

Then things go horribly wrong and the processing usually doesn't complete.

At first I thought this was in cases where my workflow had a long tail
and many workers were left idle as some long running tasks finished up
-- a symptom of my "let's try this 512-task workflow with 64-128 cores
and see what happens!" experimentation phase. I got around it by just
requesting fewer nodes from PBS in my Coasters configuration. But now
it's popping up on smaller workflows. The susceptible workflows seem
to be preloaded with less than one node's worth of tasks on the first
round of dependencies.

Is there a way that I can increase the idle time limit? Ideally, I'd
like the coasters to wait for the entire PBS job walltime.


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