[Swift-user] Re: Error with condor provider

wilde at mcs.anl.gov wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jun 23 12:03:12 CDT 2010

Arjun, I briefly provide here some tips for getting past this; may need some help from Mihael on it.

This is where (as I mentioned) we need to get the provider to leave the condor submit file, so we can see what its generating.

We also need to know where you ran this and what condor was used.

One place to start is to make your own condor submit file, try to re-create the error below, and then adjust the provider to remedy it.

Its *possible* that condor quoting conventions changed from the version that the provider was originally tested with to the version that you are running now.

Also, look at sec in this Condor manual page:

which says that " needs to be escaped as \"

Its also possible that somehow the provider stopped doing this in some cases???

- Mike

----- "Arjun Comar" <mandaya at rose-hulman.edu> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've been trying to get jobs submitted over Condor via swift, and
> running into a few problems. I think I've finally hit a point where
> it's the Condor provider itself that's failing over any of my
> configurations.
> Here's the sites entry (though any sites entry over Condor will do,
> and I've tried several):
> <config>
> <pool handle=" Nebraska_red.unl.edu ">
> <gridftp url="gsiftp:// red.unl.edu/ "/>
> <execution provider="condor"/>
> <profile key="jobType" namespace="globus">grid</profile>
> <profile key="gridResource" namespace="globus">gt2
> red.unl.edu/jobmanager-condor </profile>
> <workdirectory>/opt/osg/data/engage/tmp/ red.unl.edu </workdirectory>
> </pool>
> </config>
> And any swift script at all fails, even a simple helloworld:
> type messagefile;
> app (messagefile t) greeting () {
> echo "Hello, world!" stdout=@filename(t);
> }
> messagefile outfile <"hello.txt">;
> outfile = greeting();
> With the following error:
> The following errors have occurred:
> 1. Application "echo" failed (Cannot submit job: Could not submit job
> (condor_submit reported an exit code of 1). Submitting job(s)
> Found illegal unescaped double-quote: "" -e /bin/echo -out hello.txt
> -err stderr.txt -i -d "" -if "" -of hello.txt -k "" -status "provider
> " -a "Hello, world!"The full arguments you specified were:
> /opt/osg/data/engage/tmp/
> red.unl.edu/helloworld-20100623-1051-dr5v5apa/shared/_swiftwrap
> echo-dqt6jttj -jobdir d -scratch "" -e /bin/echo -out hello.txt -err
> stderr.txt -i -d "" -if "" -of hello.txt -k "" -status "provider " -a
> "Hello, world!")
> The same script runs just fine through any other submission mechanism,
> even to the same site (ssh, coasters+ssh:pbs, etc).
> Anyone have any thoughts on fixing the problem?
> Thanks!
> --
> Arjun Comar, Rose-Hulman '12

Michael Wilde
Computation Institute, University of Chicago
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

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