[Swift-user] Specifying coastersPerNode on sites that place jobs by CPU

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Fri Apr 3 02:41:44 CDT 2009

On Fri, 3 Apr 2009, Ben Clifford wrote:

> > Some sites, like TeraPort, (I think) place independent jobs on all CPUS.
> > 
> > When using coasters, is it true that the user should not specify
> > coastersPerNode? Or at least not set it to > 1?
> Pretty much, yes.

* Although it provides way to get node overcomitting, which I think in 
some applications is good (i.e. we have two cores, try to run 4 jobs on 

* If you're running on a node that allocates jobs per CPU by default, its 
probably going to present less load to the worker submission system (eg 
GRAM2 or PBS) if you can make it submit one per physical machine and have 
coastersPerNode allocate the CPUs instead of PBS. This is what you'd do in 
qsub with the ppn option. Off the top of my head, I don't know how (or if 
its possible at all) with coasters+gram2+pbs.


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