[Swift-user] Re: GT4

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Sat Jul 19 11:04:23 CDT 2008

gate01.aglt2.org is reachable from login.ci but not from my UK machine. 
So there might be some strange network stuff going on with that host.

For GRAM4 on that machine you need (by the looks of it) to use tcp port 
9443, not the default 8443 which is running some other services. I think 
this will in general be true for all OSG resources.

I can't submit to GRAM4 on that machine because I'm not authorized:

$ globusrun-ws -submit -F gate01.aglt2.org:9443 -c /bin/hostname
Submitting job...Failed.
globusrun-ws: Error submitting job
globus_soap_message_module: SOAP Fault
Fault code: soapenv:Server.userException
Fault string: 
"/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Benjamin Clifford 418168" is not 
authorized to use operation: 
{http://www.globus.org/namespaces/2004/10/gram/job}createManagedJob on 
this service

nor can I use gridftp on that machine:

$  globus-url-copy file:///etc/group gsiftp://gate01.aglt2.org/tmp/benc008

error: globus_ftp_client: the server responded with an error
530 530-Login incorrect. : 
530-Error invoking callout
530-The callout returned an error
530-prima_module.c:Globus Gridmap Callout:470:
530-Gridmap lookup failure: Could not retrieve mapping for  
/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Benjamin Clifford 418168 from identity 
mapping server
530 End.

You could try the above two commands yourself and see what you get.


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