[Swift-devel] Multiple output files

Michael Wilde wilde at anl.gov
Thu Mar 27 21:53:54 CDT 2014

Awesome work, Mihael!

Im eager to try it. I assume its only committed to trunk?

- Mike

On 3/27/14, 9:11 PM, Mihael Hategan wrote:
> I committed the changes.
> This only works for normal swift staging and provider staging. It can be
> made to work with wrapper staging, but I have not done so.
> As far as I can tell, there are only two mappers that can map arrays
> based on what's on the filesystem rather than what the mapper parameters
> are saying: FilesysMapper and SimpleMapper (well, there's also
> ConcurrentMapper and FMRIMapper, and, while they should be useable for
> collecting output data, it's unlikely that anyone will try to guess how
> to name files so that they match what those mappers are expecting).
> To use the feature, do the obvious:
> file[] a <SimpleMapper; location="outs", prefix="foo", suffix=".out">;
> // OR
> // file[] a <FilesysMapper; location="outs", pattern="*.out">;
> // OR
> // file[] a <FilesysMapper; location="outs", pattern="foo????.out">;
> app (file[] oa) gen(int i) {
>          gen i; // writes a bunch of files of the form foo????.out to
> outs/
> }
> a = gen(3);
> I've also committed tests for this. Yadu, if you have some time, can you
> check why the check script doesn't find the output from the run? I don't
> remember how that worked.
> There are probably going to be a few bugs, since a lot of how the swift
> staging data was handled has changed. So please test this as swift in
> general.
> One other thing to note is that the globbing is only supported for the
> file names. For example: /a/b/??/c/*.txt won't work, but /a/b/x/c/*.txt
> will. However, that's if you use a pattern with the FilesysMapper.
> Complex structures mapped with SimpleMapper should work. For example,
> you should be able to do this:
> type struct {
>    file a;
>    file[] b;
> }
> app (struct[] o) f(...) {}
> It should figure out the ranges for both o[] and all of o[x].b[].
> Mihael
> On Wed, 2014-03-26 at 12:04 -0700, Mihael Hategan wrote:
>> Fortunately this would not be something that the users would see.
>> But if they did, a*b -> c*d seems pretty intuitive to me. Maybe even
>> more so than
>> a(.*)b -> c\1d. It's the implementation of this that is more difficult.
>> Mihael
>> On Wed, 2014-03-26 at 13:42 -0500, Michael Wilde wrote:
>>> Excellent!
>>> The path-difference challenge sounds like the same things we faced in
>>> CDM, revisited.
>>> I suspect we can find ways to smooth this out in a way that works
>>> naturally for users.
>>> - Mike
>>> On 3/26/14, 1:24 PM, Mihael Hategan wrote:
>>>> Almost there.
>>>> It works for non-provider staging.
>>>> I'm working on provider staging now. The difficulty is in that providers
>>>> must now support glob-pattern staging with a twist. The twist is that
>>>> local and remote path names are different. For example, without glob
>>>> patterns, a stageout could look like this:
>>>> __root__/dir/a.txt -> /dir/a.txt
>>>> With globs, something like this is possible:
>>>> __root__/dir/a_????_b_????.txt -> /dir/a_????_b_????.txt
>>>> In this case the code needs to recursively glob things and substitute
>>>> each glob group in the destination for the respective matching glob in
>>>> the source.
>>>> Luckily there are only two providers that support staging at this point:
>>>> local and coasters. Unfortunately this has to be implemented twice: once
>>>> in Java for local, and once in Perl for coasters.
>>>> Mihael
>>>> On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 08:46 -0700, Mihael Hategan wrote:
>>>>> An update on this.
>>>>> I'm still working on it, but here is the basic idea:
>>>>> - non-static mappers now support a method that, given a data type,
>>>>> returns a list of glob patterns that can be used to search for files
>>>>> that could be mapped by that mapper. The list (as opposed to one glob
>>>>> pattern) is necessary because there might be cases when you have:
>>>>>       type s { file a; file[] b};
>>>>>       s[] x;
>>>>>       Then s[] could match either s_????.a or s_????.????
>>>>> - this (possibly empty) list gets sent to _swiftwrap
>>>>> - after the job is done, _swiftwrap creates a list of files matching
>>>>> those patterns
>>>>> - swift-int copies that list back and the files in it and uses the list
>>>>> to populate data in a fashion similar to what is done for input
>>>>> variables
>>>>> This is without provider staging.
>>>>> For provider staging, providers that support staging need to be modified
>>>>> to support staging out of files using glob patterns. There might be some
>>>>> complications there due to the local vs. remote path naming conventions.
>>>>> Mihael
>>>>> On Sat, 2014-03-22 at 14:08 -0500, Michael Wilde wrote:
>>>>>> On 3/22/14, 1:38 PM, Mihael Hategan wrote:
>>>>>>> My opinion is that this problem is NOT a language/mapper issue. It is an
>>>>>>> issue of implementation: how do you get the information about files to a
>>>>>>> place where it can be used.
>>>>>>> So I believe that whether we add a new mapper or make it work with
>>>>>>> existing mappers, we still need to fix that other more complex problem.
>>>>>>> This is the reason why I believe we shouldn't add anything to the
>>>>>>> language.
>>>>>> Mihael and I discussed this in a chat just now, and I think we are in
>>>>>> fact *in* sync.
>>>>>> So he's going to push forward on this.
>>>>>> - Mike
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Michael Wilde
Mathematics and Computer Science          Computation Institute
Argonne National Laboratory               The University of Chicago

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