[Swift-devel] Multiple output files

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Mar 24 10:46:58 CDT 2014

An update on this.

I'm still working on it, but here is the basic idea:

- non-static mappers now support a method that, given a data type,
returns a list of glob patterns that can be used to search for files
that could be mapped by that mapper. The list (as opposed to one glob
pattern) is necessary because there might be cases when you have:
    type s { file a; file[] b};
    s[] x;
    Then s[] could match either s_????.a or s_????.????
- this (possibly empty) list gets sent to _swiftwrap
- after the job is done, _swiftwrap creates a list of files matching
those patterns
- swift-int copies that list back and the files in it and uses the list
to populate data in a fashion similar to what is done for input

This is without provider staging.

For provider staging, providers that support staging need to be modified
to support staging out of files using glob patterns. There might be some
complications there due to the local vs. remote path naming conventions.


On Sat, 2014-03-22 at 14:08 -0500, Michael Wilde wrote:
> On 3/22/14, 1:38 PM, Mihael Hategan wrote:
> > My opinion is that this problem is NOT a language/mapper issue. It is an
> > issue of implementation: how do you get the information about files to a
> > place where it can be used.
> >
> > So I believe that whether we add a new mapper or make it work with
> > existing mappers, we still need to fix that other more complex problem.
> > This is the reason why I believe we shouldn't add anything to the
> > language.
> Mihael and I discussed this in a chat just now, and I think we are in 
> fact *in* sync.
> So he's going to push forward on this.
> - Mike

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