[Swift-devel] Swift team meeting today - 2PM central - Agenda

Justin M Wozniak wozniak at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jun 7 14:39:56 CDT 2013

On 06/07/2013 12:52 PM, Michael Wilde wrote:

Ketan is working on two power grid apps and had some minor questions 
about Coasters for Mihael.

Yadu is working on the multi-site test suite which is itself implemented 
as a Swift script.

Scott is looking at CUDA BLAS, OOPS, and mdproxy apps for GPU.

Justin added some minor new syntax in Swift/T. Made significant 
additions to the Swift/T web materials.  Provided Scott with an 
eigenvalue code based on BLAS compatible with our model for Swift/T and 
the GPU.  Lots of conversation with the RDCEP and APS app cases.  For 
RDCEP, now have a better sense of how to validate and compare the 
Swift/T implementation to the previous pure Fortran/MPI app.  For APS, 
have a better sense of overall workflow and some ideas on where to find 
concurrency to target with Swift/T.  Also working with Ketan on Swift 
storage access on the cloud, focusing on the Chirp experiments.

Tim is working on fixing up some remaining broken Swift/T tests.

Mihael is looking at some coasters data movement timeout errors reported 
by Yadu.

> o David outline strategy for swift command rework (esp. tc wildcards)
David is investigating pre-processing the Swift/K command line with 
Perl.  Mihael suggested some improvements to automatic app configuration 
without tc.data .
> o David: outline priority for corresponding User Guide revamp
David will have more time shortly to work on this.
> o David: plans to phase in swift-lang.org and SWFT email list
David is in touch with David Forero about this.
> o Mihael: help Yadu and David start documenting the protocol for coasters in prep for coaster provider staging file caching feature work
Done somewhere- Mihael will send Yadu and David the link.
> o Yadu: review your observed Swift weaknesses and discuss & file (in bugz) suggestions to address each
> o Justin, Tim: next steps in Coaster integration
Yadu has the coasters C client running.  Discussed a list of next steps 
with Justin, including wrapping the client in SWIG and running it from 
Swift/T.  Justin provided code samples for reference.
> o Ketan: perhaps discuss next steps for making AWS resources easy to use by Swift end users
Ketan is doing this for the power grid app people.
> o All: any other topics
> Please report anything notable to swift-devel
> Thanks, All, and have a great weekend.
> - Mike

Justin M Wozniak

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