[Swift-devel] CFP: The 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid2011)

Ioan Raicu iraicu at cs.iit.edu
Fri May 27 04:30:18 CDT 2011

  Call for Papers

*The 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid2011)*

*Lyon, France
Sep 21 -- Sep 23, 2011*
Co-located with the EGI Technical Forum

Sponsorship in discussion:

    * The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable
      Computing (pending)
    * Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on
      Computer Architecture (pending)

Grid computing enables the sharing of distributed computing and data 
resources such as processing, network bandwidth and storage capacity to 
create a cohesive resource environment for executing distributed 
applications. The Grid conference series is an annual international 
meeting that brings together a community of researchers, developers, 
practitioners, and users involved with Grid technology. The objective of 
the meeting is to serve as both the premier venue for presenting 
foremost research results in the area and as a forum for introducing and 
exploring new concepts. The conference will feature invited talks, 
workshops, and refereed paper presentations.

Grid 2011 welcomes paper and poster submissions on innovative work from 
researchers in academia, industry and government describing original 
research work in grid computing. Previous events in this series have 
been successful in attracting high quality papers and a wide 
international participation. This event will be co-located with the EGI 
Technical Forum.**


Grid 2011 topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * Applications, including eScience and eBusiness Applications
    * Architectures and Fabrics
    * Authentication, Authorization, Auditing and Accounting
    * Autonomic and Utility Computing on Global Grids
    * Cloud computing
    * Cloud, Cluster and Grid Integration
    * Creation and Management of Virtual Enterprises and Organizations
    * Critical surveys or reflections on the past decade on grid and
      distributed computing
    * Dynamic, Distributed, Data-Intensive Access, Management and Processing
    * Energy Efficiency and Grid
    * Grid Economy and Business Models
    * Infrastructure and Practise of Distributed Computing
    * Metadata, Ontologies, and Provenance
    * Middleware and Toolkits
    * Monitoring, Management and Organization Tools
    * Networking
    * Performance Measurement and Modelling
    * Problem Solving Environments
    * Programming Models, Tools and Environments
    * Production Cyberinfrastructure
    * QoS and SLA Negotiation
    * Resource Management, Scheduling, and Runtime Environments
    * Scientific, Industrial and Social Implications
    * Semantic Grid
    * Standardization efforts in Grid
    * Virtualization and grid computing**


Grid 2011 invites authors to submit original papers (not published or 
under review elsewhere). Papers should be no more than 8 pages in length 
(including diagrams and references) and be submitted as a PDF file by 
using the submission system: URL

Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to 
register and present the paper. A separate conference proceedings will 
be published and will also be a part of the IEEE Xplore and the CS 
digital library. For author instructions visit 
http://grid2011.mnm-team.org <http://www.grid2011.org/>.


    * 10 May 2011 Technical Paper Submission Open
    * 08 June 2011 Workshop proposal due
    * 15 June 2011 Workshop acceptance notification
    * *05 July 2011 Technical Paper Submission due*
    * 05 August 2011 Paper Acceptance Notifications
    * 15 August 2011 Full and Revised papers due
    * 15 August 2011 Poster submissions due
    * 25 August 2011 Poster Acceptance Notifications


    * General Chair: Nils gentschen Felde, MNM-Team /
      Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich
    * Local Chair: Frederic Suter, IN2P3, Lyon
    * Program Chair: Shantenu Jha, Rutgers, USA and Edinburgh, UK
    * Workshop Chair & Poster Chair: Gilles Fedak, INRIA, Lyon
    * Proceedings and Publications Chair: Rajkumar Buyya, The University
      of Melbourne and Manjrasoft, Australia

Program Vice Chairs:

    * Clouds and Virtualisation: Roger Barga, Microsoft Research
    * Distributed Production Cyberinfrastructure and Middleware: Andrew
    * e-Research and Applications: Daniel S. Katz, Univ. of Chicago and
      Argonne National Lab, US
    * Tools & Services, Resource Management & Runtime Environments:
      Ramin Yahyapour, Dortmund
    * Distributed Data-Intensive Science and Systems: Erwin Laure, KTH,

Publicity Chairs:

    * Suraj Pandey, Univ of Melbourne, Australia
    * Yoshiyuki Watase,  KEK, Japan
    * Cameron Kiddle, Calgary, Canada
    * Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology and Argonne National
      Laboratory, USA
    * Adam Barker, University of St Andrews, UK

Program Comittee:

    * Andreas Aschenbrenner, Austrian Academy of Sciences
    * Ignacio Blanquer,  Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
    * Jim Dowling, SICS, Sweden
    * Vangelis Floros, GRNET, Greece
    * Neil Chue Hong, EPCC, UK
    * Patrick Fuhrmann, DESY, DE
    * Jens Jensen, STFC, UK
    * Peter Kunszt, SystemsX, Switzerland
    * Hideo Matsuda, University of Osaka, Japan
    * Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology and Argonne National
      Laboratory, USA
    * Heiko Schuldt, Basel University, Switzerland
    * Alex Sim, LBL, US
    * Osamu Tatebe, Tsukuba University, Japan
    * Domenico Talia, Università della Calabria, Italiy
    * Erik Elmroth, Umeå University, Sweden
    * Bastian Koller, HLRS, Germany
    * Rosa Badia, UPC, Spain
    * Marco Danelutto, Università di Pisa, Italy
    * Frederic Desprez, INRIA-LIP, France
    * Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
    * Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo
    * Alan Sill, Texas-Tech, US
    * Steven Newhouse, EGI, NL
    * Eva Deelman, ISI, USC Karolina, US
    * Sarnowska-Upton, Univ. of Virginia, US
    * Marty Humphrey, University of Virginia, US
    * Rob Gillen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory , US
    * Kate Keahey, Argonne National Laboratory, US
    * Judy Qiu, Indiana University, US
    * Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame, US
    * Jim Myers, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US
    * Tevfik Kosar, University at Buffalo, US
    * David Abramson, Monash University, Australia
    * Chaitanya Baru, San Diego Supercomputer Center, US
    * Jaliya Ekanayake, Microsoft Research, US
    * Miron Livny, Univ. of Wisconsin, US
    * Ian Foster, Univ. of Chicago, US
    * Dieter Kranzlmueller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
    * Gabrielle Allen, Louisiana State University, USA
    * David Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
    * Henri Bal, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
    * Eloisa Bentivegna, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,
    * Nicolas Kourtellis, University of South Florida, USA
    * Patricia Kovatch, University of Tennessee, USA
    * Manish Parashar, Rutgers, USA
    * Alistair Rendell, Australian National University, Australia
    * Richard Sinnott, University of Melbourne, Australia
    * Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA
    * Mark Stillwell, INRIA-Université de Lyon-LIP, France
    * David Wallom, Oxford University, UK

Ioan Raicu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
Guest Research Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, CS/IIT
Distributed Systems Laboratory, MCS/ANL
Cel:    1-847-722-0876
Office: 1-312-567-5704
Email:  iraicu at cs.iit.edu
Web:    http://www.cs.iit.edu/~iraicu/
Web:    http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/

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