[Swift-devel] Re: catsn on beagle

ketan ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 13:09:35 CDT 2011

Yes, you should bring this to the attention of beagle sysadmins.

On 6/4/11 1:01 PM, Jonathan S Monette wrote:
> Ok.  I have my job submitted and it is currently waiting in the queue. 
>  besides manually resetting this variable everytime I am on beagle 
> what else can be done?  Is this something that I should bring to the 
> attention of the sys admins for beagle?
> On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Ketan Maheshwari 
> <ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com <mailto:ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Alright, so this is the issue. GLOBUS_HOSTNAME is picked up from
>     HOSTNAME and I do not know where does this none comes in your case.
>     In my case I get hostname: login2.beagle.ci.uchicago.edu
>     <http://login2.beagle.ci.uchicago.edu>
>     see if you can manually change this env variable and try to run
>     again.
>     On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Jonathan S Monette
>     <jonmon at utexas.edu <mailto:jonmon at utexas.edu>> wrote:
>         login2.beagle.ci.uchicago.edu.(none)
>         when you ran your test was in on login1 or login2?
>         On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Ketan Maheshwari
>         <ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
>         <mailto:ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com>> wrote:
>             What does
>             echo $HOSTNAME give?
>             On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Jonathan S Monette
>             <jonmon at utexas.edu <mailto:jonmon at utexas.edu>> wrote:
>                 I am not sure why that (none) appears.  Is this a
>                 variable that the system sets or do I need to set it?
>                 On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Ketan Maheshwari
>                 <ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
>                 <mailto:ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com>> wrote:
>                     This suprises me because, I do not see that (none)
>                     in my commandline.
>                     On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Jonathan S
>                     Monette <jonmon at utexas.edu
>                     <mailto:jonmon at utexas.edu>> wrote:
>                         I added
>                         echo ${OPTIONS}
>                             echo ${COG_OPTS}
>                             echo ${LOCALCLASSPATH}
>                             echo ${EXEC}
>                             echo ${CMDLINE}
>                         to the script.  It seems in the $OPTIONS
>                         variable this appears.
>                         -Xmx8192M
>                         -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/jonmon/Library/Swift/swift-0.92/bin/../lib/endorsed
>                         -DUID=1881
>                         -DGLOBUS_HOSTNAME=login2.beagle.ci.uchicago.edu.(none)
>                         -DCOG_INSTALL_PATH=/home/jonmon/Library/Swift/swift-0.92/bin/..
>                         -Dswift.home=/home/jonmon/Library/Swift/swift-0.92/bin/..
>                         -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/urandom
>                         There is the line
>                         DGLOBUS_HOSTNAME=login2.beagle.ci.uchicago.edu.(none)
>                          I believe that is the parenthesis that is
>                         causing this to fail.  Now How do I fix it.
>                         On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Jonathan S
>                         Monette <jonmon at utexas.edu
>                         <mailto:jonmon at utexas.edu>> wrote:
>                             I may have found the error.  I download
>                             0.92 binaries and changed the swift
>                             command script.  I added
>                             On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Jonathan
>                             S Monette <jonmon at utexas.edu
>                             <mailto:jonmon at utexas.edu>> wrote:
>                                 Same result. Same error
>                                 On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:24 PM, ketan
>                                 <ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
>                                 <mailto:ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com>>
>                                 wrote:
>                                     can you try running the
>                                     commandline by copying from run.sh
>                                     and pasting it at the prompt.
>                                     On 6/4/11 12:18 PM, Jonathan S
>                                     Monette wrote:
>>                                     I do have that project.  I did
>>                                     projects --avail and got back
>>                                     Project      PI                  
>>                                        Title
>>                                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>                                     CI-CCR000013 Michael Wilde      
>>                                         The Swift Parallel Scripting
>>                                     System
>>                                     Here is my run.sh file.  I
>>                                     execute with ./run.sh after I did
>>                                     chmod +x run.sh
>>                                     #!/bin/bash
>>                                     swift -config cf -tc.file tc
>>                                     -sites.file beagle-coaster.xml
>>                                     catsn.swift -n=1
>>                                     I do have sh and cat in my path.
>>                                      I can execute them.  Here is
>>                                     what which sh and which cat produced.
>>                                     sh is /usr/bin/sh
>>                                     cat is /bin/cat
>>                                     On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:10 PM,
>>                                     ketan <ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
>>                                     <mailto:ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com>>
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                         Can you try "projects
>>                                         --avail" command on beagle to
>>                                         see if you are member of a
>>                                         project.
>>                                         Else you will need to request
>>                                         membership. You can do this
>>                                         from this page:
>>                                         http://pads.ci.uchicago.edu/access/
>>                                         In any case, your error does
>>                                         not seem to be because of the
>>                                         above. Looks like '(' has
>>                                         sneaked in because of some
>>                                         unexpected typo in
>>                                         commandline .. can you
>>                                         doublecheck it.
>>                                         Also can you make sure that
>>                                         you have all the files: tc,
>>                                         beagle-coasters.xml cf in
>>                                         PATH, ie. are you able to
>>                                         access them w/o ./
>>                                         On 6/4/11 12:03 PM, Jonathan
>>                                         S Monette wrote:
>>>                                         I did change the work
>>>                                         directory.  I however did
>>>                                         not change the project name.
>>>                                          I do not know my project
>>>                                         name so I kept the same
>>>                                         project that was in there.
>>>                                          Here is my modified
>>>                                         beagle-coasters.xml
>>>                                         <config>
>>>                                         <pool handle="pbs">
>>>                                         <execution
>>>                                         provider="coaster"
>>>                                         jobmanager="local:pbs"/>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="globus"
>>>                                         key="project">CI-CCR000013</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="globus"
>>>                                         key="ppn">24:cray:pack</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="globus"
>>>                                         key="workersPerNode">24</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="globus"
>>>                                         key="maxTime">1000</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="globus"
>>>                                         key="slots">1</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="globus"
>>>                                         key="nodeGranularity">1</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="globus"
>>>                                         key="maxNodes">1</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="karajan"
>>>                                         key="jobThrottle">.63</profile>
>>>                                         <profile namespace="karajan"
>>>                                         key="initialScore">10000</profile>
>>>                                         <filesystem provider="local"/>
>>>                                         <workdirectory
>>>                                         >/lustre/beagle/jonmon/Swift/work</workdirectory>
>>>                                         </pool>
>>>                                         </config>
>>>                                         On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:00
>>>                                         PM, Ketan Maheshwari
>>>                                         <ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
>>>                                         <mailto:ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com>>
>>>                                         wrote:
>>>                                             Jon,
>>>                                             Thanks for trying out
>>>                                             catsn on Beagle.
>>>                                             I just tried it myself
>>>                                             but could not reproduce
>>>                                             the error you are
>>>                                             getting. Have you made
>>>                                             the changes that are
>>>                                             mentioned in the README:
>>>                                             ==
>>>                                             Change workdir location
>>>                                             in beagle-coaster.xml
>>>                                             Change the project entry
>>>                                             in the
>>>                                             beagle-coaster.xml to
>>>                                             your project name
>>>                                             ==
>>>                                             Ketan
>>>                                             On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at
>>>                                             11:50 AM, Jonathan S
>>>                                             Monette
>>>                                             <jonmon at utexas.edu
>>>                                             <mailto:jonmon at utexas.edu>>
>>>                                             wrote:
>>>                                                 Hello,
>>>                                                    I am trying to
>>>                                                 run the catsn test
>>>                                                 on beagle using the
>>>                                                 files in
>>>                                                 ~ketan/catsn.  I
>>>                                                 have copied over
>>>                                                 this directory over
>>>                                                 to my home directory
>>>                                                 and I believe I set
>>>                                                 it up correctly.  I
>>>                                                 did module load
>>>                                                 swift and the ran
>>>                                                 run.sh that was in
>>>                                                 this directory.  I
>>>                                                 get this error.
>>>                                                 /soft/swift/0.92/bin/swift:
>>>                                                 eval: line 152:
>>>                                                 syntax error near
>>>                                                 unexpected token `('
>>>                                                 /soft/swift/0.92/bin/swift:
>>>                                                 eval: line 152:
>>>                                                 `java -Xmx8192M
>>>                                                 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/endorsed
>>>                                                 -DUID=1881
>>>                                                 -DGLOBUS_HOSTNAME=login2.beagle.ci.uchicago.edu.(none)
>>>                                                 -DCOG_INSTALL_PATH=/soft/swift/0.92/bin/..
>>>                                                 -Dswift.home=/soft/swift/0.92/bin/..
>>>                                                 -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/urandom
>>>                                                 -classpath
>>>                                                 /soft/swift/0.92/bin/../etc:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../libexec:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/addressing-1.0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/ant.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/antlr-2.7.5.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/axis.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/axis-url.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/backport-util-concurrent.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/castor-0.9.6.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/coaster-bootstrap.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-abstraction-common-2.4.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-axis.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-grapheditor-0.47.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-jglobus-1.7.0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-karajan-0.36-dev.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-clref-gt4_0_0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-coaster-0.3.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-dcache-0.1.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-gt2-2.4.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-gt4_0_0-2.5.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-pro
>>>                                                 vider-local-2.2.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-localscheduler-0.4.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-ssh-2.4.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-provider-webdav-2.1.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-resources-1.0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-swift-svn.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-trap-1.0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-url.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cog-util-0.92.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/commonj.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/commons-beanutils.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/commons-collections-3.0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/commons-digester.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/commons-discovery.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/commons-httpclient.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/commons-logging-1.1.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/concurrent.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cryptix32.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cryptix-asn1.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/cryptix.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/globus_delegation_servic
>>>                                                 e.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/globus_delegation_stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/globus_wsrf_mds_aggregator_stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/globus_wsrf_rendezvous_service.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/globus_wsrf_rendezvous_stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/globus_wsrf_rft_stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/gram-client.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/gram-stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/gram-utils.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/j2ssh-common-0.2.2.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/j2ssh-core-0.2.2-patch-b.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jakarta-slide-webdavlib-2.0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jaxrpc.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jce-jdk13-131.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jgss.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jline-0.9.94.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jsr173_1.0_api.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/jug-lgpl-2.0.0.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/junit.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/log4j-1.2
>>>                                                 .8.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/naming-common.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/naming-factory.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/naming-java.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/naming-resources.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/opensaml.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/puretls.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/resolver.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/saaj.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/stringtemplate.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/vdldefinitions.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wsdl4j.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wsrf_core.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wsrf_core_stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wsrf_mds_index_stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wsrf_mds_usefulrp_schema_stubs.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wsrf_provider_jce.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wsrf_tools.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/wss4j.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/xalan.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/xbean.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/xbean_xpath.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/xercesImpl.jar:/soft
>>>                                                 /swift/0.92/bin/../lib/xml-apis.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/xmlsec.jar:/soft/swift/0.92/bin/../lib/xpp3-
>>>                                                 org.griphyn.vdl.karajan.Loader
>>>                                                 '-config' 'cf'
>>>                                                 '-tc.file' 'tc'
>>>                                                 '-sites.file'
>>>                                                 'beagle-coaster.xml'
>>>                                                 'catsn.swift' '-n=1''
>>>                                                 I there something
>>>                                                 else I need to load
>>>                                                 on beagle to make
>>>                                                 swift run accordingly?
>>>                                                 -- 
>>>                                                 Any intelligent fool
>>>                                                 can make things
>>>                                                 bigger and more
>>>                                                 complex... It takes
>>>                                                 a touch of genius -
>>>                                                 and a lot of courage
>>>                                                 to move in the
>>>                                                 opposite direction.
>>>                                                 - Albert Einstein
>>>                                         -- 
>>>                                         Any intelligent fool can
>>>                                         make things bigger and more
>>>                                         complex... It takes a touch
>>>                                         of genius - and a lot of
>>>                                         courage to move in the
>>>                                         opposite direction.
>>>                                         - Albert Einstein
>>                                     -- 
>>                                     Any intelligent fool can make
>>                                     things bigger and more complex...
>>                                     It takes a touch of genius - and
>>                                     a lot of courage to move in the
>>                                     opposite direction.
>>                                     - Albert Einstein
>                                 -- 
>                                 Any intelligent fool can make things
>                                 bigger and more complex... It takes a
>                                 touch of genius - and a lot of courage
>                                 to move in the opposite direction.
>                                 - Albert Einstein
>                             -- 
>                             Any intelligent fool can make things
>                             bigger and more complex... It takes a
>                             touch of genius - and a lot of courage to
>                             move in the opposite direction.
>                             - Albert Einstein
>                         -- 
>                         Any intelligent fool can make things bigger
>                         and more complex... It takes a touch of genius
>                         - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
>                         direction.
>                         - Albert Einstein
>                 -- 
>                 Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more
>                 complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of
>                 courage to move in the opposite direction.
>                 - Albert Einstein
>         -- 
>         Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more
>         complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage
>         to move in the opposite direction.
>         - Albert Einstein
> -- 
> Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It 
> takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite 
> direction.
> - Albert Einstein
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