[Swift-devel] SCEC postproc workflow unresponsive after first 2 tasks

ketan ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 11:38:04 CDT 2011


I tried to run the posproc workflow on the OSG whitelisted resources. 
However, the workflow seems not to respond after completing the first 
two tasks:

I get something like this:

Progress:  Selecting site:248  Stage in:2  Finished successfully:2
Progress:  Selecting site:248  Stage in:2  Finished successfully:2
Progress:  Selecting site:248  Stage in:2  Finished successfully:2
Progress:  Selecting site:248  Stage in:2  Finished successfully:2
Progress:  Selecting site:248  Stage in:2  Finished successfully:2

The sites.xml, tc.data and the log files are on bridled as follows:




Swift is:

[bridled.ci.uchicago.edu:cybershake]$ which swift
swift is /home/ketan/swift-0.92.1/bin/swift

I have memcached on, sourced /opt/osg-1.x.x/setup.sh and have a valid proxy.

Could you indicate what are the first debugging steps that I should be 
taking on osg in such condition?


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