[Swift-devel] measuring queue times

Ketan Maheshwari ketancmaheshwari at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 15:00:36 CDT 2011


Attached is the output and log for beagle. Seems, the first few lines in the
out file seems to be from my trial commandline and could be stripped off.

Following is a snapshot of the run:

./qtest count=128 range=240 parallelism=1 provider=pbs jobmanager=pbs host=
2015328287 submitting (1)
2015328287 running
2015328287 195 10
2015328287 done
1182680702 submitting (2)
1182680702 running
1182680702 48 18
1182680702 done
2057140893 submitting (3)
2057140893 running
2057140893 2 9

How many runs per cluster you are thinking of?


On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Mihael Hategan <hategan at mcs.anl.gov>wrote:

> So I've got a small tool to do it: www.mcs.anl.gov/~hategan/qt.tar.gz<http://www.mcs.anl.gov/%7Ehategan/qt.tar.gz>
> Run like this:
> ./qtest count=128 range=240 parallelism=1 provider=gt2 jobmanager=sge
> host=gatekeeper.ranger.tacc.teragrid.org
> You can also pass various job attributes in the same way (e.g.
> "queue=long")
> Parallelism should be kept at 1 (one job at a time). The range is the
> walltime range in minutes. The actual walltimes are randomly generated
> within that range. Count is the total count (there is no penalty in
> having a large number there).
> I'm running this on ranger, and pads seems to have a bug where jobs are
> reported running by pbs and then they go back to being queued. But
> please run this on other systems if you can and send me back the
> resulting queuetest.out. You can just check to see if it works with one
> job and then let it run unsupervised in a screen session or so.
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