[Swift-devel] typed keys

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Jul 24 05:09:00 CDT 2011

On Sun, 2011-07-24 at 10:53 +0200, Ben Clifford wrote:
> OK.

This is good...
> First, there's a fourth alternative, that that [] means that the type
> inside that [] should be inferred (eg using something like
> hindley-millner] - from a user perspective that might look a bit like
> hategan's option 1: (have a universal type) but its keeps the array
> indices a single type: you can declare:
> int a[]; a["f"]=10; a["q"]=20; or int a[]; a[4]=10; a[5]=20; but not int a[]; a["f"]=10; a[5]=20;

Yes. That's a possibility. Though I was trying to avoid it at this

> Type inference can introduce awkward-for-the-user error messages,
> though (which is what irked me when Milena prototyped it a few years
> ago for her summer-of-code project): The three statements:
>  int a[]; a["f"]=10; a[5]=20;
> are wrong, but in which of the three statements is there an error?

None in particular. Or rather said all. It's not like a type error (or
any kind of error) is necessarily restricted to a single statement in
the code. An error message could print out both lines as equally
probable to have contributed to the problem. So I don't think this by
itself is a big problem.

> Maybe in this restricted case its ok, though?
> I dislike the idea of introducing a type hierarchy without a lot more
> thinking of what it affects. For example, I think it can then
> introduce runtime type errors: 5+"monkey" (for example) or inability
> to add two numbers (5+5 = TYPE ERROR! because those 5s happen to be
> Objects not numbers)

You would not be able to use these things in any other context than the
places that accept the any type. Such as trace() and whatever else is
there that fits, but not "+".

> If I had to choose between having a String and having a MagicScopeID
> type to represent the auto generated ID, I think I'd probabyl prefer
> the magicscopeid type. But I'm not massively convinced. Because
> although it produces a nice type separation, it doesn't stop you
> acquiring magicscopeid values. Although you can't construct them
> yourself, you can still extract them inside a foreach loop and do bad
> things: (a concern hategan raised):
>  int a[magic]; int b[magic]; int c[magic];
> populate(a); populate(b);
> foreach v,k in a {
>   foreach u,l in b {
>     c[k] = "hello";
>   }
> }
> will attempt to create duplicate entries in c, which is not permitted - so its not actually introducing much protection.

True. But you will get a runtime error. It is not unlike the same
scenario using a[int], b[int]. So it is not introducing
<b>additional</b> problems.

> On the other hand, using a string ties it into the present
> implementation in a way that I think need not happen, and if you
> require explicit type declaration rather than [], then why does
> [string] make any more sense than [magicauto] ? (perhaps compare to
> how pointers are stored as ints; but you write foo *a; rather than
> "int a; /* which will point to a foo */")

Right. Which is why I actually went with auto after sending the email. I
just didn't have a nice name for it, but I suppose "auto" will have to
do. I also reasoned that this would be used sparsely, so it's more
important to make sure everything else makes sense.

> I think explicitly declaring the type of array indices is probably ok.
> You declare the type of pretty much everything else when you write the
> program, so why not this? The closest example in Java I can think of
> is maps that use Java generics:
>     HashMap<Integer,String> map = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
> where you declare both the key type and the value type.

Well, ML would disagree. I think Swift is/can be somewhere in the
middle. At least we have type inference for "foreach". Also, I don't
think some simple type inference is that bad in terms of clarity. It
gets bad when you start inferring based on expressions/calls rather than
just assignment, in particular when you have overloading. I think one
can have some simple type inference without the mess of the milnerish
constraint system.

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