[Swift-devel] iterate behavior

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Tue Jul 5 14:09:38 CDT 2011

> The first instance 'until' i gets greater than 2 is when it gets 3. With
> this regard, I think trace could go ahead and show the value of i but
> somehow no other statement should get evaluated in that iteration.

I think that's crazy: either the body gets executed or it doesn't get 
executed. trace should not be a 'special statement' that enclosing control 
structures need to know about that is distinct from a regular swift 
function call. its also crazy to have trace showing that the body was 
entered and executed when it wasn't. "I can't see whats going wrong: trace 
tells me that this loop iteration happens, but its as if the rest of the 
body doesn't happen..."


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