[Swift-devel] plans

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jul 1 13:28:13 CDT 2011

In a meeting yesterday we discussed some of the swift plans for the rest
of the summer.

The basic ideas were:
- branch the current trunk out to 0.93
  * we should do this in the next couple of weeks. There are a few
deadlocks that I want to fix in trunk before we do that.
  * 0.93 would be the first release to include the stuff in the fast
- the main goals for 0.94 would be:
  * Yadu's array key typing
  * garbage collection (both memory and data mapped with the concurrent
  * throttling based on the exact number of workers available when using
passive coaster workers
  * possibly a set of plotting tools based on the infrastructure behind
the TUI.
  * these would initially go into trunk after the 0.93 branching.

Mike, Justin, please fill in what I missed.


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