[Swift-devel] Re: Swift hang

Jonathan Monette jon.monette at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 17:17:04 CST 2011

I have tried several configurations using coasters(using different 
number of blocks, workers per node, etc.) and tried following coasters 
code in cog to see if this is where Swift hung.  Still haven't found out 
if coasters is the culprit for the hang.  This has proved to be hard 
since the work flows that hang regularly are very large and take awhile 
to get to the point where they hang.

Can anyone help with send me a sample configuration of what using 
straight pbs would look like?  Something that doesn't use coasters just 
uses pbs.  I believe this will help me narrow down if coasters is the 
culprit or is the problem really in Swift.

Mihael, were you ever able to take a look at the log files for my runs 
to see if you saw anything?  I know cleaning up for the next release has 
been more of the priority just wondering if you ever got a chance.

On the plus side, I have also been developing a script that runs Swift 
that allows me to choose certain configurations so I don't have to be 
constantly changing files.  This I believe will be useful in the overall 
final product(what ever that may be).

On 1/18/11 10:41 AM, Daniel S. Katz wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> How is this going?
> Dan
> On Jan 5, 2011, at 1:50 PM, Jonathan Monette wrote:
>> Hello,
>>    I have encountered swift hanging.  The deadlock appears to be in the same place every time.  This deadlock does seem to be intermittent since smaller work sizes does complete.  This job size is with approximately 1200 files.  The behavior that the logs show is that the files needed for the job submission are staged in but no jobs are submitted.  The Coaster heartbeat that appears in the swift logs shows that the job queue is empty.  The logs for the runs are in ~jonmon/Workspace/Swift/Montage/m101_j_6x6/run.000[1,2,3]  I will try to recreate the problem using simple cat jobs.
>> -- 
>> Jon
>> Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.
>> - Albert Einstein

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