[Swift-devel] Check tutorial/guide edits in and let student(s) know?

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Sat May 29 10:39:06 CDT 2010

David, since the current online tutorial is already broken, and yours is likely a big improvement, you should go ahead and check it in and make sure it gets posted to the live guides. (might need to add you to some unix group for that to work)

Then work with the other summer students and the student that posted to the list on Friday, to get some feedback as to whether the tutorial is now error-free.

Another thing that occurs: as the set of posted examples/tutorials grows, can we create a "recipe index" that indexes the examples by a categorized outline of commonly needed techniques and FAQs?

Lastly: We may want to separate out examples (mainly for enhancing the user guide) from tutorials, where the latter would be mainly formatted as exercises that one could actually walk through, as opposed to examples that one simple reads, copies and tries.

The latter (tutorials) are much more work and harder to test, and thus we could simply enhance the tutorials that already exist while we focus more on writing a larger set of tested and annotated examples.

- Mike

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