[Swift-devel] CDM tests on OSG

Justin M Wozniak wozniak at mcs.anl.gov
Tue May 4 16:01:46 CDT 2010

On Tue, 4 May 2010, Allan Espinosa wrote:

> Here's the result of testing CDM features on two OSG sites.

Also, maybe we can add a Globus.org method to CDM.

(Background: Allan is using an external script to stage in the data before 
launching Swift.  Then he connects the Swift job to the data using the CDM 
DIRECT method.)

We could add a GLOBUS.ORG method to CDM that would automate some of this. 
At submit time, the VDL Karajan logic would call into the external 
Globus.org functionality instead of the normal staging steps.

If you want to see what I mean, for an example of similar functionality, 
take a look at the BROADCAST method.  On the BG/P, this method calls out 
to the f2cn tool to rapidly send data to the compute nodes.  (This method 
is somewhat complex because I tap into a Coasters callback to keep track 
of what is stored on which compute node, the GLOBUS.ORG method could be 
simpler if we don't do this.)

Justin M Wozniak

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