[Swift-devel] ADEM script updates

Allan Espinosa aespinosa at cs.uchicago.edu
Mon May 3 15:05:07 CDT 2010


I reimplemented the ADEM scripts and merged them into a unified script
interface.   Unit tests were also added. I took the liberty of
mirroring the repository to github (http://github.com/aespinosa/adem)
in hopes that some random developer in the wild will contribute some
patches as well.

== Usage
  adem command [options]

    adem config --display
    adem sites --update
    adem app --avail

  Further help:
    adem config -h/--help        Configure ADEM
    adem sites -h/--help         Manipulate the site list
    adem app -h/--help           Application installation
    adem help                    This help message

so far the config, app and help commands work.  the sites command has
some basic functionality already like generating a configuration
needed to install an application.

other stuff todo:
1.  create a gem package (i.e.  'gem install adem')
2.  clean the sites command interface
3.  more documentation
4.  example configurations and usage

For now the script I made is useful enough for me to install apps on
sites that I directly specified (at least on Firefly)


Allan M. Espinosa <http://amespinosa.wordpress.com>
PhD student, Computer Science
University of Chicago <http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa>

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