[Swift-devel] manual coasters

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jun 30 23:12:51 CDT 2010

Manual coasters are in trunk. I did some limited testing on localhost.

The basic idea is that you say <profile namespace="globus"
key="workerManager">passive</profile> in sites.xml. Other than that you
may want to set workersPerNode, but the other options are useless.

Then, when swift starts the coaster service, it will print the URL of
that on stderr.

You carefully dig for worker.pl and then launch it in whatever way you

worker.pl <ServiceURL> <blockid> <logdir>

The blockid can be whatever you want, but it can be used to group
workers in the traditional blocks. The logdir is where you want the
worker logs to go. They are all mandatory.

When workers connect to the service, the service should start shipping
jobs to them. When the service is shut down, it will also try to shut
down the workers (they are useless anyway at that point), but it cannot
control the LRM jobs, so it may fail to do so (or rather said, it is
more likely to fail to do so).


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