[Swift-devel] spread changing or lots of big jobs left behind

Allan Espinosa aespinosa at cs.uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 29 11:45:09 CDT 2010

So if i want total workers in all blocks to be ~198, i can use the
formula for an arithmetic series

S_n = n/2 (a_1 + a_n)

198 = 10/2 (a_1+ a_10)
a_1 + a_10 = 39.6

so having 38 or 40 for maxNodes can do the trick right?


2010/6/29 Mihael Hategan <hategan at mcs.anl.gov>:
> Maxnodes applies to one block.
> I suppose there should be maxNodes and maxBlockNodes.

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