[Swift-devel] Error in pbs job submission with coasters in PADS fast queue

wilde at mcs.anl.gov wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Jun 3 14:23:23 CDT 2010


The error that was causing your "cat.swift" script to fail in the PADS fast queue as soon as the swift script generates more jobs than "workersPerNode" is that that fast queue is limited to one node.

Trapping the pbs submit script (I think debug=true in the 

login1$ qsub PBS5612813565711306842.submit

which has:
#PBS -l nodes=2
#PBS -q fast


qsub: Job exceeds queue resource limits MSG=cannot satisfy queue max nodect requirement

We (swift developers) need to find out why the error message wasn't made prominent.

We need to both document this limitation, make sure the error message gets to the user, and document procedures for finding and debugging Swift's generated .submit files.

- Mike

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