[Swift-devel] DAG visualization tool

Ioan Raicu iraicu at cs.uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 10 10:13:50 CST 2010

Thanks Ben, I'll look into graphviz.


Ben Clifford wrote:
>> Can anyone point me to the tool used to visualize DAGs, like the one I found
>> in one of the Swift papers? Also, does the tool require SwiftScript to
>> generate the graph, or does it only consume a DAG description, and therefore
>> could be used outside of Swift as well, as long as you describe the DAG in the
>> right format?
> probably the dot command from graphviz.
> The commandline options that mike gave for swift generate input for that, 
> but graphviz in general is for any DAGs.
> Its a pretty straightforward syntax to get basic graphs.

Ioan Raicu, Ph.D.
NSF/CRA Computing Innovation Fellow
Center for Ultra-scale Computing and Information Security (CUCIS)
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Rd, Tech M384 
Evanston, IL 60208-3118
Cel:   1-847-722-0876
Tel:   1-847-491-8163
Email: iraicu at eecs.northwestern.edu
Web:   http://www.eecs.northwestern.edu/~iraicu/

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