[Swift-devel] suspected error in simple mapper

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Nov 11 13:22:12 CST 2009

When I use this mapper:

   Phylip keggfiles[] <simple_mapper; prefix="K", suffix=".phylip">;

and have files in the dir like this: K00123.phylip

I seem to get mapped filenames of K0123.phylip. Its loosing the leading 
"0". Its as if the mapper is assuming there is a separator character 
after the "K".

Yet if I use a 2-character prefix "K0":

   Phylip keggfiles[] <simple_mapper; prefix="K0", suffix=".phylip">;

then I get the desired mapping of "K00123.phylip".

I will try to create a test case for this later. Anyone seen anything 

- Mike

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