[Swift-devel] How does swift know if a task is successful
Zhao Zhang
zhaozhang at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 19 12:21:19 CDT 2009
Hi, Mihael
Things you suggested was working, I misplaced other files in my previous
dir. Thank you.
best wishes
Mihael Hategan wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 13:36 -0500, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>> Hi, Mihael
>> I commented the following lines
>> /*dir:make(ldir)
>> restartOnError(".*", 2
>> task:transfer(srchost=host, srcfile=bname,
>> srcdir=rdir, destdir=ldir, desthost=dhost, destprovider=provider)
>> )*/
> Did you modify this file in dist/?/libexec? If not, did you re-compile
> swift after the modification?
> Put an echo or a log message in place, to see if your change is picked
> up by swift next time.
>> Then I modified wrapper.sh to not to copy output file back, but I still
>> got an error.
>> The log file is at
>> http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~zzhang/first-20090317-1327-oqgttus8.log
>> Thanks
>> zhao
>> zzhang at login6.surveyor:~/new_dock6> ./run_swift_ssh.sh 1117 64 first.swift
>> waiting for at least 64 nodes to register before submitting workload...
>> waiting to find at least 1 services in file
>> /home/falkon/users/zzhang/1117/config/Client-service-URIs.config...
>> all done, file has found at least 1 services
>> found at least 64 registered, submitting workload...
>> Swift svn swift-r2676 (swift modified locally) cog-r2305
>> RunID: 20090317-1327-oqgttus8
>> Progress:
>> Progress: Selecting site:1 Stage in:1
>> Progress: Submitting:1 Submitted:1
>> Progress: Submitted:1 Failed but can retry:1
>> Failed to transfer wrapper log from
>> first-20090317-1327-oqgttus8/info/b/n/bgp000
>> Progress: Submitted:1 Active:1
>> Failed to transfer wrapper log from
>> first-20090317-1327-oqgttus8/info/e/n/bgp000
>> Progress: Submitted:1 Active:1
>> Failed to transfer wrapper log from
>> first-20090317-1327-oqgttus8/info/g/n/bgp000
>> Execution failed:
>> Exception in echo:
>> Arguments: [Hello, world!]
>> Host: bgp000
>> Directory: first-20090317-1327-oqgttus8/jobs/g/n/echo-gnlq238j
>> stderr.txt:
>> stdout.txt:
>> ----
>> Caused by:
>> Cannot transfer
>> "/tmp/first-20090317-1327-oqgttus8/shared/hello.txt" to
>> "/gpfs/home/zzhang/new_dock6/./hello.txt"
>> Caused by:
>> No such file
>> Mihael Hategan wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 12:23 -0500, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>>>> Hi, Mihael
>>>> yes, can I do that?
>>> You should know this by now:
>>> in vdl-int.k, in doStageout, comment out the task:transfer invocation
>>> (and dir:make).
>>>> zhao
>>>> Mihael Hategan wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 12:14 -0500, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>>>>>> Here comes another question, is there any place that I could set to
>>>>>> disable swift's waiting for data feature?
>>>>> Do you mean disable the stage-outs?
>>>>>> Or is there any way for me to cheat swift that the data is already
>>>>>> there? thanks.
>>>>>> zhao
>>>>>> Mihael Hategan wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 17:07 -0500, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, All
>>>>>>>> I have a question on how swift knows if a task is successful.
>>>>>>>> In my case, I am using a status notification instead of a status file.
>>>>>>>> So my question is is this status notification the only thing swift is
>>>>>>>> waiting for, or is swift also waiting for the output data to appear to
>>>>>>>> say that a job is successful?
>>>>>>> Once the job is done, swift will attempt to stage out all the files that
>>>>>>> it expects the job to have produced.
>>>>>>> Should one of those files not be there, there will be failures.
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