[Swift-devel] output format of simple_mapper

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 26 18:24:29 CST 2009

I think the logic was that if you have a type path 
(say a.b.c), it would be mapped to a_b.c, where the
last element gives the extension. This was inspired by the analyze
format, where we would usually have a struct "image {hdr, img}", so
that mapper would magically end up naming files with the proper
extension for that case.

In your first case, given that the second index is the last
element in the path, it will be separated by ".", and then you
add ".pdt" to that.

In the second case, I assume in OOPSOut your field is named "pdt"
and that ends up being the last element in the path.

If you were to try file result[][][] <...>, you would get names
like: 0004_0005.0001


----- Michael Wilde <wilde at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> When I apply this mapping to a 2D array of files:
>    file result[][] <simple_mapper;
>                       prefix=@strcat("output/",p,"/"),suffix=".pdt">;
> then I get files like:
>    output/T1di2/0004.0001.pdt
> but when I apply this mapping to a 2D array of structs of files:
>    OOPSOut result[][] <simple_mapper; prefix=@strcat("output/",p,"/")>;
> then I get files like:
>    output/T3cpo/0000_0000.pdt
> Not a problem, just curious what motivated the difference (of sub1.sub2 
> vs sub1_sub2)?
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