[Swift-devel] swift tools directory

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Feb 11 16:28:39 CST 2009

As was briefly discussed long ago, Im going to make a tools/ directory 
in svn under https://svn.ci.uchicago.edu/svn/vdl2 (eg alongside things 
like provenancedb, www, etc)

This is to hold things like the following, some of which may migrate to 
dist/bin as their distribution location, when they are ready and accepted:
- enhanced swift run command (select multiple sites, etc)
- sites command to compose sites.xml more dynamically
- swift #include processor
- osg/tg site listing/status/checking tools
- bgp execution scripts

For now, collaborators using this stuff would check it out separate from 
the core of swift.

If anyone prefers a different name, place, or approach, let me know. 
I'll do this tonight, but can move/remove it as desired.

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