[Swift-devel] Fwd: voms-proxy-init not generating proxy files

Allan Espinosa aespinosa at cs.uchicago.edu
Wed Apr 29 13:03:18 CDT 2009


Anyone has tips using voms-proxy-init to associate your proxy with certain VOs?  I have been filing support requests to support at CI and support at osg for a while but i get minimal response.

----- Forwarded message from Allan Espinosa <aespinosa at cs.uchicago.edu> -----

Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 17:15:23 -0500
From: Allan Espinosa <aespinosa at cs.uchicago.edu>
To: CI Support <support at ci.uchicago.edu>
Subject: voms-proxy-init not generating proxy files


it seems that there is something wrong with the voms tools in the @osg stack:

[aespinosa at tp-login1 ~]$ voms-proxy-init -voms Engage
[aespinosa at tp-login1 ~]$ grid-proxy-info

ERROR: Couldn't find a valid proxy.
Use -debug for further information.

[aespinosa at tp-login1 ~]$ voms-proxy-init -debug -voms Engage
Detected Globus version: 22
Unspecified proxy version, settling on Globus version: 2
Number of bits in key :512
Using configuration file /soft/osg-client-1.0.0-r1/glite/etc/vomses
Using configuration file /soft/osg-client-1.0.0-r1/glite/etc/vomses
[aespinosa at tp-login1 ~]$ voms-proxy-info

Couldn't find a valid proxy.

below is my ~/.soft


Allan M. Espinosa <http://allan.88-mph.net/blog>
PhD student, Computer Science
University of Chicago <http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa>

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