[Fwd: Re: [Swift-devel] Re: swift-falkon problem... plots to explain plateaus...]

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Mar 24 13:03:12 CDT 2008

> Its due to both. wrapper.sh fetches the app script from nfs which 
> fetches the app from nfs.  then wrapper.sh does its setup, which causes 
> more (synchronous) nfs activity, then the app output is copied, then 
> fetched back to the run directory.
> All this is dominated I suspect by nfs request overhead, most of which 
> is not data transfer.
> There's really nothing to discuss regarding this until I get some data 
> from tests.

As far as I can remember, Ben added fairly comprehensive logging to the
wrapper. That may shed some light on the issue.


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