[Swift-devel] Re: [Swift-user] Failed to link input file

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Tue Jun 3 17:51:33 CDT 2008

> But no, I don't have such a script. I wouldn't even know how to do it,
> since I'm not aware of how I could force queuing systems to send my jobs
> to specific nodes. Well, besides sending a large number of jobs and
> hoping that eventually each node will get at least one. Which is silly.

In condor (which is what is running on that site) you can put a 
requirement to match hostname. If I ever get round to committing that 
patch, you'll be able to do that in swift too!

I have this vague idea that you can do something similar with PBS with 
host_types but not really sure and I'm not going to look up now.


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