[Swift-devel] Clarification of Coaster parameter jobThrottle

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jul 30 06:44:37 CDT 2008

was: Re: [Swift-devel] Problems running coaster

On 7/28/08 9:43 AM, Ben Clifford wrote:
> also, don't:
>>   <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">4</profile>
> say that if you are using gram2 (even coasters in gram2)

What is the reason for this recommendation?

Are you saying (a) dont overload gram2 or (b) something breaks if you 
use this parameter at all, or (c) you were just eliminating 
possibilities debugging this error (which turned out to be login 
exclusion on the headnode in /etc/profile on abe)

Eventually for coasters we *want* to open up the throttles, but perhaps 
to throttle as the Falkon load-balancer does: by keeping all allocated 
workers on each site fully busy, but not pre-committing jobs to them.

(That would change with data pre-staging but in the absence of that the 
strategy of not pre-committing seems to work well).

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