[Swift-devel] trouble submitting to ranger

skenny at uchicago.edu skenny at uchicago.edu
Mon Jul 7 10:37:57 CDT 2008

hi all,

i'm trying to submit a simple job to the tacc ranger site. i
can submit fine with gt2 and gt4, cog and
globus-url-copy also works:

[skenny at fletch ~]$ globusrun-ws -submit -s -F
tg-login.ranger.tacc.teragrid.org -c /bin/hostname     
Delegating user credentials...Done.
Submitting job...Done.
Job ID: uuid:db847f4c-4c35-11dd-a1d8-0019d1912829
Termination time: 07/08/2008 15:03 GMT
Current job state: Active
Current job state: CleanUp-Hold
Current job state: CleanUp
Current job state: Done
Destroying job...Done.
Cleaning up any delegated credentials...Done.

[skenny at fletch ~]$ globus-job-run
tg-login.ranger.tacc.teragrid.org /bin/hostname

[skenny at fletch ~]$ cog-job-submit -p gt4 -e /bin/hostname -s
tg-login.ranger.tacc.teragrid.org        Unable to find
required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and
javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is
Submitting task: Task(type=JOB_SUBMISSION,
<startTime name="submission">1215443211137</startTime>
<startTime name="createManagedJob">1215443212355</startTime>
<endTime name="createManagedJob">1215443214527</endTime
Task submitted: Task(type=JOB_SUBMISSION,
"/C=US/O=UTAustin/OU=TACC/CN=login3.ranger.tacc.utexas.edu" to
invoke "{http://wsrf.globus.org/core/notification}notify".
"/C=US/O=UTAustin/OU=TACC/CN=login3.ranger.tacc.utexas.edu" to
invoke "{http://wsrf.globus.org/core/notification}notify".
"/C=US/O=UTAustin/OU=TACC/CN=login3.ranger.tacc.utexas.edu" to
invoke "{http://wsrf.globus.org/core/notification}notify".
<endTime name="submission">1215443216670</endTime>
Job completed

but when i try to run a swift job (a simple script calling
'env') it hangs indefinitely. with this in the log:

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
2008-07-07 10:21:59,968-0500 DEBUG vdl:execute2
APPLICATION_EXCEPTION jobid=env-kzpkn6vi - Applicatio\
n exception: Cannot submit job: ; nested exception is:
        java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

here's the sites entry:

<!-- RANGER @ tg-login.ranger.tacc.teragrid.org -->
  <pool handle="RANGER">
    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">0</profile>
    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">4</profile>
    <gridftp url="gsiftp://gridftp.ranger.tacc.teragrid.org"/>
    <execution provider="gt4"
url="tg-login.ranger.tacc.teragrid.org" jobManager="SGE"/>

everything from the run is here including the log:

finally, in case this email wasn't long enough :) Swift svn
swift-r2084 cog-r2065



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