[Swift-devel] Need help using Data Capacitor in Swift Workflow

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jan 30 10:23:00 CST 2008

[was: Re: Store files in IU Data Capacitor?]

A week ago I started to help MikeK find several TB of free space to 
support his next round of workflows.

Currently the CI SAN has only 700GB free.

I started looking at how to use the 500TB data capacitor server at IU.

MikeK, should we assume you still need this, test access to it, and give 
you the parameters for your sites file, and swift examples of mapping 
data to/from GridFTP URIs?

If so, Mihael can you do this? (URL for the DC is below. Can use scratch 
space for 2-week stretches. Ive applied for an allocation on it).

- Mike

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Store files in IU Data Capacitor?
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 14:42:48 -0800 (PST)
From: Mike Kubal <mikekubal at yahoo.com>
To: Michael Wilde <wilde at mcs.anl.gov>,   "Binkowski, Thomas Andrew" 
<abinkowski at anl.gov>

10TB would be plenty.

I've been using Benoit's allocation.

The TG project ID I've been using is:


Thanks MikeW,


--- Michael Wilde <wilde at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Hi Andrew and Mike,
> One place we might be able to keep our multi-GB data
> files is in the 
> IndianaU Data Capacitor:
> Do you have a rough estimate of what we need?  the
> DC allocates storage 
> in 10TB chunks, which I assume will meet our needs
> for the moment?
> Can you send me the TG project # for the LigandAtlas
> project, and I will 
> try to get an allocation of space there?
> Are we running on our own TG DAC, or on Benoit's
> large allocation?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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