[Swift-devel] Re: Criteria for rollout

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Jan 10 17:50:24 CST 2008

> > Again, I looked at the scratch dirs and diffed the frequencyOut file
> > that gets plotted by Plot.pl, and those files look different.  Here
> > are the scratch dirs of the studies I ran:
> > Production:
> > /disks/i2u2/cosmic/users/AY2004/IL/Batavia/Fermilab/Jordan/undergrads/cosmic/scratch/run-2008.0110.091001.0456
> > Swift:
> > /disks/i2u2-dev/cosmic/users/AY2004/IL/Batavia/Fermilab/Jordan/undergrads/cosmic/scratch/2008.
> > I'm seeing differences in the plot.  In the two plots you linked to,
> > you can tell the Production-produced plot has a lower first point
> > (around 7100) and the Swift-produced plot has a higher first point
> > (around 7500).  Also, when doing fitting for both, they came up with
> > different lifetime values.  You can see those in the extraFun_rawFile
> > files.
> Good point. I'll look at this.

Hah. Got it. Looks like when passing an array as a parameter to an app
in Swift, the order is not preserved. So there is a mismatch between the
cpld frequencies and the files.

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