[Swift-devel] ws-gram tests

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 7 20:34:13 CST 2008

I did a 1024 job run today with ws-gram.
I painted the results here:

Seems like client memory per job is about 370k. Which is quite a lot.
What kinda worries me is that it doesn't seem to go down after the jobs
are done, so maybe there's a memory leak, or maybe the garbage collector
doesn't do any major collections. I'll need to profile this to see
exactly what we're talking about.

The container memory is figured by looking at the process in /proc. It's
total memory including shared libraries and things. But libraries take a
fixed amount of space, so a fuzzy correlation can probably be made. It
looks quite similar to the amount of memory eaten on the client side
(per job).

CPU-load-wise, WS-GRAM behaves. There is some work during the time the
jobs are submitted, but the machine itself seems responsive. I have yet
to plot the exact submission time for each job.

So at this point I would recommend trying ws-gram as long as there
aren't too many jobs involved (i.e. under 4000 parallel jobs), and while
making sure the jvm has enough heap. More than that seems like a gamble.


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