[Swift-devel] Extensions to @extractint feasible?

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Oct 8 11:47:59 CDT 2007

Would it be feasible and worthwhile to extend @extractint with the 
ability to read a file into an array, and to handle all the primitive 
data types?

Or, just to generalize this and do @extractcsv as Ben was suggesting?

Or do both sets of primitives make sense (a fuller set of @extract_ 

Regarding the ability to set a field of a struct to be a mapped file - 
as far as I can tell, this is not currently possible:
- you cant specify that a field is to be mapped
- you cant assign a mapped value in any way at all

So it would be nice if an @extractcsv primitive also allowed you to send 
any of the fields through a mapper.

Am I missing any currenty implemented approach to setting mapped fields 
in a struct?

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