[Swift-devel] Swift 0.3 released

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Thu Oct 4 06:19:49 CDT 2007

Swift 0.3 is now available for download from the swift downloads page,

Swift 0.3 is a development release intended to distribute new 
functionality and fixes that have gone into our codebase since v0.2 was 
released in July.

There are many changes, detailed in the CHANGES.txt file inside the 

Some significant changes:

  * mappers can now map files in remote locations in addition to the local 
    disk (for example, accessed through gridftp or dcache)

  * PBS direct job submission, for running Swift directly on a PBS 
    cluster avoiding GRAM.

  * Changes to logging formats to make mechanical analysis easier.

  * sequential iteration language construct (for example, for running 
    simulations with each step being a separate job)

Swift homepage: http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/

Please download and enjoy, and do not hesitate to post mail to either the 
swift-devel or swift-user list with questions, comments and complaints.


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