[Swift-devel] started angle-1000 using ci-san data and ext mapper

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Nov 6 23:36:19 CST 2007

started this running at 23:07, ~wilde/angle/data.
processing the files of spool_1 and spool_2 and naming the outputs 

I spotted several failures to create a kickstart dir in the prior run 
(which i killed) and at least one such error in this run.

Ive gotten about 10 failures so far from PBS aborts; looks like a node 
is bad again (sent mail).

Added a zcat to the app to decompress the uic data.

Am using Mihael's ext mapper, and its working great so far.

This is what my *entire* mapper looks like:


#! /bin/sh
awk <angle-spool-1-2 '
BEGIN { server="gsiftp://tp-osg.ci.uchicago.edu//disks/ci-gpfs/angle"; }
{ printf "[%d] %s/%s\n", i++, server, $0 }'


In a next pass this mapper will take as params the spool dir(s) to map, 
and will do a find on those dirs.

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