[Swift-devel] questions on swift properties

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Nov 6 00:05:37 CST 2007

2 questions:

A few days ago I saw a spec for how to set GLOBUS::maxwalltime to values 
other than minutes.  Eg 00:nn for seconds???  But I cant find that spec 
now.  Can someone point me at it?

I thought there was a new parameter to set the min wait time between 
submissions to GT2.  I cant find that in either the etc/swift.properties 
sample or the userguide.  Am I missing is or is it not documented? 
Please describe.

Lastly - the wording of the throttle parameters in swift.properties 
confuses me even after reading them 10+ times.  Im confused between max 
# of jobs that can be running, and the rate at which they can be 
submitted.  I think these need to be reworded to clarify some confusion.


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