[Swift-devel] Re: GRAM and Swift discussion this week?

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Tue May 22 14:22:32 CDT 2007

On Tue, 22 May 2007, Stuart Martin wrote:

> On May 22, 2007, at May 22, 1:43 PM, Ben Clifford wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 22 May 2007, Ian Foster wrote:
> > 
> > > Are there WS-GRAM issues that are causing problems for Swift?
> > 
> > No one uses WS-GRAM with Swift, so we aren't really uncovering issus
> > there.

> Why not?  What are you using?  GRAM2?  local executions?  Other services?

for the high end stuff, Swift submits jobs to Falkon. Falkon, I think, 
uses WS-GRAM to start up its own workers, but that startup part of Falkon 
not Swift.

For low end stuff, the two providers that I think people use much are 
local exec and GRAM2.

Local exec is not in the space that GRAM is addressing, so ignore.

The GRAM2 vs GRAM4 question pretty much comes down to the fact that people 
in production (at least as far as I encounter them) tend to use GRAM2 
rather than GRAM4 and so Swift tends to get used that way too - there's no 
real motivation to push people to use a different submission system than 
what they're used to, and one thing we decided within our group is that we 
would concentrate on being very application focused (after we had spent 
rather a long time pontificating and debating). GRAM2 -> GRAM4 doesn't 
provide enough incentive (in the way that a GRAM2 -> Falkon change does) 
for our actual apps (for example that Tibi and Nika work on).

At some point, perhaps, GRAM2 will decay or GRAM4 will become tantalising, 
at which point it would be in the interests of being app-focused to shift. 
Or we might change our priorities to be less app focused.


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