[Swift-devel] Re: email for Mike and Ian

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Tue Jun 19 19:10:06 CDT 2007

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, Mike Wilde wrote:

> So, at a practical level, what went wrong here and what do we do to correct
> it?

> - use only official builds if at all possible (unless you need to 
> include a fix thats not yet been included in a build?)

there's a reluctance on Nika's part to upgrade I think because its a 
hassle for her to get the Falkon/cog provider into a new build. It should 
not be hard. provider-deef should be going into SVN 'real soon' (i.e. as 
soon as Yong provides a clean recent tree for me to import) and after that 
it should be a lot easier to deploy the most recent swift + most recent 


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