[Swift-devel] Re: Falkon code and logs

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Wed Jul 25 11:13:02 CDT 2007

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, Ioan Raicu wrote:

> Hey Ben,
> Here is the latest Falkon code base, including all compiled classes, scripts,
> libraries, 1.4 JRE, ploticus binaries, GT4 WS-core container, web server,
> etc... its the entire branch that is needed containing all the different
> Falkon components.  I would have preffered to clean things up a bit, but here
> it is, and I'll do the clean-up later...
> http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~iraicu/research/Falkon/Falkon_v0.8.1.tgz

I just imported this into the vdl2 subversion repo.


   svn co https://svn.ci.uchicago.edu/svn/vdl2/falkon

to get the checkout.

I removed the embedded JRE (putting aside issues of whether we should big 
binaries like that in the SVN, a quick glance at the JRE redistribution 
licence looked like it was not something acceptable)

If you edit files, you can commit them with:

 svn commit

which will require you to feed in your CI password.

Type svn update in the root directory of your checkout to pull down 
changes that other people have made since your last checkout/update 
(probably you'll find me making a bunch of those to tidy some things up)

If you add files, you will need to:

 svn add myfile.java

before committing it.

This is the tarball as I received it, so has lots of built cruft in there 
(.class files and things).

I'll help work on tidying that up in the repository.

Please commit any changes you have made since this tarball, and begin 
making your releases from committed SVN code rather than from your own 
private codebase - that way, people can talk about 'falkon built from 
r972' and then everyone can look at the exact code version from SVN.


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